
Dispensing More Than We Need

Toothpaste on a Toothbrush

You may have seen the toothpaste commercials showing a toothbrush with toothpaste covering the entire length of bristles. Is this amount of toothpaste really necessary? In most cases it isn’t. One way you can tell is to check to see if there is any unfrothed toothpaste when you spit. Only using half of this amount will likely be plenty. So, go ahead and give it a try.

A similar idea applies to the pump soap dispensers. In most cases, when your hands aren’t extremely dirty, you won’t need a full pump of soap. Try using just a quarter pump or half a pump and see if it is enough.

Do you have any other ideas on how we can converse resources in our everyday lives? Please leave a comment.



Can’t we all just get along?

Rodney King

I think Rodney King said it best. Can’t we all just get along? We all have our own beliefs, hopes, and dreams. But is there really any reason why we can’t believe what we want, hope what we want, and dream what we want without negatively affecting someone else? I believe not.

There is no good reason why people of different religious beliefs or faiths can’t live side-by-side. Just like there is no good reason why cat people and dog people can’t live side-by-side. Just like there is no good reason why Chevy and Ford people can’t live side-by-side. Just like there is no good reason why Patriot fans can’t live side-by-side Broncos fans. The reality is that we have more similarities than we have differences.

So, let’s celebrate and enjoy our differences.



Welcome to How We Can Make the World Better!

We live in a wonderful world, but it could be better. It is not going to change for the better if we sit idly by. So, let’s do something about it. Before we can take action, we need ideas and a plan. The goal of this website is to come up with ideas.

Do you have ideas on how we can make the world better? Then write for us. Contact us at write-for-us @ and tell us a little about yourself. If you sound like a good fit, then we’ll setup an account for you.